G‑dliness is revealed in the eating and drinking at the Purim meal. The words for "eating" and "drinking" in the Hebrew language end with the letters Yud Hai. These letters are the name of G‑d on the level of the "hidden of hiddens." Even though the acts of eating and drinking appear to be of a low spiritual level, their source is in the highest spiritual levels of Arich Anpin and Atik, the ‘crowns’ of G‑d. When eating on Purim, the kabbalists dwell in these high levels of spirituality.

The drinking of wine at the Purim meal produces the intoxication that leads to perfect faith.

The drinking of wine at the Purim meal produces the intoxication that leads to perfect faith. At some time, one must separate oneself completely from reality for a few moments in order to spiritually discover a new reality and truth. This separation from reality is called spiritual intoxication. Through the spiritual experience called Purim, doubt is removed and the heart of the Jew is opened to the service of G‑d through the observance of the Torah and its commandments.

The experience of spirituality that comes at the time of meditation and prayer is the greatest of all forms of intoxication of the mind. At this time, with one’s eyes closed, the world and reality are completely forgotten. There is only one, and all of existence is nullified in the light of the One G‑d.

Through reading the Megillah, giving charity, exchanging gifts, and intoxication, the secret of Mordecai and Esther is revealed, which is the name of the G‑d hidden in the heart of every Jew.

The discovery of spirituality comes only through joy, the rejoicing of the soul in their teachers, Mordecai and Esther, and in the name of G‑d. The masquerading of the feast of Purim is symbolic of washing away all sadness and darkness, which comes when spirituality and the Divine soul are discovered.

The triumph over Haman and the nation Amalek is the victory of faith in G‑d over atheism. Amalek has the numerical value of the word in Hebrew that means "to doubt." Only when doubt is destroyed and all mankind believes in the One G‑d will the kingdom of G‑d be complete.

From "Kabbalah- The Splendor of Judaism" by David M. Wexelman, author of Kabbalah- The Splendor of Judaism and several other books on Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality.
He currently resides in Tzefat, "City of Kabbalah" (also home of KabbalaOnline.org).

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