Gate of Reincarnations
Shaar Hagilgulim
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 1
Our souls impact several levels of spiritual worlds.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 4
It is not sufficient to only rectify the particular spot to which his soul is connected.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Review of Chapter One, Sections 1- 4
A review of Chapter One so far...with ambiguities
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 5
Each level of soul must go through the same process needed to complete a partzuf: ibur, yenika, mochin.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 8
Intro to "ibur" – the soul of a tzadik coming to “impregnate” souls of normal people
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 9
The fundamental deep structure of malchut as opposed to the structures of the higher sefirot
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter One, Section 10
A Ruach or Neshama may attach to the Nefesh of a convert
"Gate of Reincarnations": Review of Chapter One
A chart to help illustrate the relationships among the stages of development
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Two, Section 1
What if one does not completely rectify his Nefesh in the first incarnation?
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Two, Section 2
When the nefesh is rectified, but not the ruach, the process of reincarnation may develop in one of the two ways
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Two, Section 6
Although the roots of the souls always remain in their place, their positions & magnitudes can be on other levels.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Two, Section 7
A gilgul where all the NR"N may reincarnate together
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 1
The soul of a living tzadik can also incarnate into another person.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 3
Reincarnation and tikun
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 4
Another type of reincarnation:
"ibur"> from birth |
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 5
In the Age of Redemption, reincarnation will cease.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 6
Reincarnation to rectify childlessness
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 7
Reincarnation in the secret of yibum>
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Three, Section 8
In the morning his ruach will descend in its place into the body
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 1
Unblemished aspects of the soul can return with a rectified one.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 2
Mitzvot, tikun and blemish of the soul…
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 3
The body is only resurrected with aspects of the soul it helped to rectify.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 4
What happens when most of the soul is fixed in the first incarnation?
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 5
Converts aid the reincarnation and rectification of others' souls.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 6
Evil people reincarnate no more than three times - the righteous as many as a thousand.
"Gates of Reincarnation": Chapter Four, Section 7
The righteous are reincarnated rather than cleansed in Gehinom.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Four, Section 8
Baba ben Buta returned as the reincarnation of Rav Sheshet.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 1
Two types of reincarnations and two types of ibur
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 2
As many as four souls can reincarnate into one body
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 3
The hierarchy of souls in multiple reincarnation
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 4
After three failed reincarnations, the soul gets help from an ibur.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 5
Each soul will be resurrected with the body in whose lifetime it was rectified.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 7
The martyrs paved the way for us
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Five, Section 8
One who fails to perform the mitzva of procreation must reincarnate with a partner
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Six, Section 1
How do new souls, not predisposed to sin, come into being?
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Six, Section 2
Some new elevated souls can enter the world when some cannot.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Six, Section 3
Aspects of the soul of Adam form the roots of all souls descended from him
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Six, Section 4
To be reborn in the Unification of Face to Face, there are 8 levels of repentance.
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