

The Inner Aspect of the World
The study of Kabbala affects our relationship with the nations
The Mitzvot of Non-Jews
The perfection of the world requires the spreading of the seven Noahide commandments
Jewish and Non-Jewish Tikun
Jewish 7 reflects unity while non-Jewish 7 represents plurality
Kosher Kabbalah for Non-Jews?
Chief Rabbi of Safed declares Kabbalah study by non-Jews a positive development.
A Delivery to All the Nations
Unlike the nations, on Rosh Hashana the Jewish nation accepts upon itself G-d's sovereignty.
Foundation of the World
The Noahide commandments are eminently sensible…except the law forbidding eating a limb severed from a living animal.
Abraham's Presents to the East
What one seeks in This World directs the path of his soul as it ascends the spiritual realms.

The larger, bold text is the direct translation of the classic text source.

The smaller, plain text is the explanation of the translator/editor.
Text with broken underline will provide a popup explanation when rolled over with a mouse.