
Baal HaTanya - ChaBaD

Cutting a Covenant
The Tetragrammaton is inscribed in the Brit Milah.
Raging Flood Waters
Every blade of grass has a place in the king's overall plan
Maintaining the Creation
The Soul of a Rock
Worlds and Wives
Rachel and Leah represent two aspects of divine sustenance.
Our Super Shabbat Soul
The additional soul we receive on Shabbat is an expression of a higher love for G-d.
Behind the Masks
Purim transcends rationality
Mercy Month
Mercy Month
Elul is a time when everyone has access to supernal benevolence.
Sinai Up in Smoke
Mount Sinai was a revelation of both an ascending and descending Returning Light
Killing the Snake
The higher levels of the soul relay spiritual messages to the lower levels, which often don't get the message
A World of Kindness
We strive for goodness in this world, where the Divine light is veiled…
Offer Yourself
Offer Yourself
Bosi L'Gani 5710, Ch. 2
Our service in the Temple centered around the principle of refinement and subduing one's physical desires.
The Heavenly Root of Animals
Consuming Quail
Kabbalah teaches that even in the realm of meat-eating G-dliness can find expression.
Standing Souls, Walking Souls
The soul's descent to the physical is so that it may be elevated still higher.

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The smaller, plain text is the explanation of the translator/editor.
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