In this section we will learn another way that all three nefesh, ruach and neshama may be received in one lifetime, even though it is not his first gilgul.

There are two other distinctions that apply only to gilgulim.

They apply only to gilgulim, and not to ibur or yibum.

Firstly, if a first-time gilgul earns his Nefesh, Ruach and Neshama (NR"N) and then sins and blemishes them, in his next reincarnation he cannot rectify them all at once except through the device that was explained beforehand. When going to bed he should recite the verse, "My Nefesh has desired You at night…."

This was explained at the end of the last chapter. The two distinctions mentioned here are made possible by entirely different circumstances, depending upon what happened during the first gilgul. Either he earned all his NR"N during the first gilgul before he sinned, as in the first possibility that we have just read; or, he earned only his Nefesh before he sinned in the first gilgul, which is the second possibility that will be explained here.

…his Nefesh will remain above in the Supernal Well, and in the morning his Ruach will come down…

In the first possibility, he cannot receive all his NR"N in his second gilgul, except through the device of reciting the verse "My Nefesh has desired You at night…", as was explained at the end of the last chapter. Then his Nefesh will remain above in the Supernal Well, and in the morning his Ruach will come down in its place. Now, the Rabbi will explain the second possible way of achieving all NR"N in a second gilgul.

Secondly, if a first-time gilgul earns only his Nefesh, and sins and blemishes it, when he reincarnates he can achieve NR"N in that gilgul itself. Since he had not previously damaged his Ruach and Neshama, they can join the Nefesh after it has been rectified, as if it were a first incarnation, just as it said, "If he merits more..."

In his first gilgul he rectified the Nefesh that he received at birth. This is the main point here. Before and after it are only reviews.

In his first gilgul he rectified the Nefesh that he received at birth, and he never received either his Ruach or Neshama before sinning and dying. The Ruach and Neshama were never affected by the sins he did with his Nefesh. If he rectifies his Nefesh after reincarnating with it, then the Ruach can come to him in the same body since it was never damaged. If he merits completing his Ruach as well, then his Neshama can join both his Nefesh and Ruach in the same body, even though it is his second reincarnation. This is possible because the Ruach and Neshama were not previously blemished. Otherwise, each must come back in its own gilgul, as we have said until now.

How can a rectified Nefesh become the vehicle for a damaged Ruach or Neshama?

This is not the case when they have all come, and all have become blemished. For how can a rectified Nefesh become the vehicle for a damaged Ruach or Neshama? However, if he only damaged the Nefesh, then all three can return together in a single gilgul.

[Commentary by Shabtai Teicher.]