Gate of Reincarnations
Shaar Hagilgulim
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Six, Section 5
At times sin affects various hidden levels of the reincarnating soul.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 1
New souls…old souls…fallen sparks…
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 2
New souls are those that are born anew from the Unification of Face to Face.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 3
Sparks from Adam did not all fall into kelipa.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 4
Great effort is needed to achieve high levels of rectification.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 5
A person may completely rectify his Nefesh, but not know how to draw his Ruach
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 6
Time is irrelevant to the growth of Level Two souls.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 7
One aspect of the soul gets rectified at a time.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 8
Some may rectify their Ruach via meditation on the Tachanun prayer
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 9
The soul with the 'Ruach' may acquire the good of that with the 'Nefesh'
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 10
The elevated soul of David fell to the lowest realms.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Seven, Section 11
A little bit of good in an evil person can be passed to the righteous.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Eight
There are several reasons for the reincarnation of souls.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Introduction to Chapter Nine
Destiny, reincarnation, marriage, and soul-mates are all detailed in the Kabbalah
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Nine, Section 1
Kabbalah explains how only men must reincarnate
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Nine, Section 2
Kabbalah, homosexuality, reincarnation, and trans-gender soul travels
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Nine, Section 3
Kabbalah explains intra-soul gender dynamics
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Ten, Section 1
Kabbalah explains father/son and teacher/student bonds
"Gates of Reincarnation": Chapter Ten, Section 2
Kabbalah explains father/son and teacher/student bonds
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Eleven, Section 1
Not all parts of the soul enter the body.
"Gate of Reincarnations": Chapter Eleven, Section 2
A soul is divided into roots and sparks depending on the quality of its imperfections.
"Gates of Reincarnation": Chapter Eleven, Section 3
Each person's nature is an expression of the soul root.
"Gate of Reincarnations" - Chapter Eleven, Section 4
The Ari continues…the body as a supernal model of the soul
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Eleven, Section 5
Kabbalah teaches that each soul is rooted in a very specific part of the body of Adam.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 6
Spiritual rectification or blemish collectively affects souls associated with one another.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 7
One's Ruach is primarily rectified via Torah study.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 8
Each soul should fulfill all 613 commandments, and some must reincarnate to do so.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 10
Kabbalah teaches the importance of Torah study for the rectification of the soul.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 11
Kabbalah teaches that the body of one who denies the Torah is lost, never to be resurrected.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 12
Kabbalah teaches that each soul has a special mitzvah in which to excel.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 13
Kabbalah explains that proper meditation is needed for the Tikkun of the Higher Soul.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Eleven, Section 14
Kabbalah teaches that there are many possibilities a soul can take before its final resurrection.
Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Twelve, Section 1
New types of supernal unions generate "new" souls.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Twelve, Section 2
Some souls must descend especially low to reveal a very great light.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Twelve, Section 3
A brief summary of the order of the five general categories of souls.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Thirteen, Section One
Souls are elevated as a result of prayer
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Thirteen, Section 2
How a higher soul can elevate a lower one
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Fourteen
A person’s soul can divide into an unlimited amount of roots.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Fifteen, Section 1
Sometimes great and righteous people are the sons of completely evil people
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Fifteen, Section 3
The Divine Presence is in exile for the sake of lost souls
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Fifteen, Section 2
The esoteric aspect of Divine matchmaking
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Sixteen, Section 1
The fulfillment of all 613 Mitzvahs takes place over the course of all the gilgulim
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Sixteen, Section 2
One cannot perform mitzvahs without G-d creating the necessary circumstances.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Seventeen, Section 1
The number of Jewish souls match the number of letters in a Torah scroll
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Seventeen, Section 2
There are eleven mitzvahs in the left-shoulder
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Seventeen, Section 3
The first two letters of the Divine four-letter name are male and female relative to each other.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Eighteen, Section 1
Each world contains its own set of four.
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Eighteen, Section 2
The tzadik decrees, and the Holy One Blessed be He fulfills .
Gate of Reincarnations - Chapter Eighteen, Section 3
Three Divine Names and their parallel soul aspects
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