This Shabbat, known as the "Shabbos of Vision" because of its Haftorah, is always read on the Shabbat that precedesTisha b'Av. (lead article)
For the significance of Jerusalem in The Three Weeks and on Tisha b'Av, we are honored to have an article (#2) from Rabbi Steinsaltz z'l.
Articles #1 & 3 are for the weekly reading, Devarim, that starts the fifth and final book of the Five Books of Moses.
Saturday night begins the yahrzeit of the Holy Ari of Tzefat, the greatest of the 16th century Tzefat Kabbalists - see articles #2-4, 7.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Devarim 5783
1Vol. 19 No. 41, 27 Tamuz - 5 Menachem Av, 5783 / Jul 16 - 23, 2023
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
In memory of Aharon HaKohen, elder brother of Moses and the very first High Priest, whose date of passing [Rosh Chodesh Menachem-Av] is the only one recorded in the Torah (Masei. 33:38); AND
in honor of all the sincere students of the teachings of the Holy ARI and his successors, who are faithful in their attempts to understand and to explain the concepts according to the intentions with which they were recorded. |
Shabbat of Vision
The greatest joys emerge from the lowest of spiritual states.
The Holy Land | |
The Resonance of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is perhaps one of the most quarrelsome and troublesome places in the world, but it is still a city of peace.
Torah for All Humanity
It is preferable to study the Torah in the original; nevertheless there is also an advantage in studying it in secular languages.
Holy Ari | |
The Holy Ari
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria was undisputedly the greatest practitioner and expounder of Kabbalah since Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar.
Ari Basics
Gate of Reincarnations | |
Gate of Reincarnations
The Torah Concept of Reincarnation |
Mystic Stories | |
Visit to the Hidden Mashiach
The students of the Arizal discover a unique household
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