The first two articles are self-explanatory.
The 3rd article is for the 2nd chapter of the second cycle of Pirkei Avot, which many continue to study on Shabbat afternoons throughout the summer, until Rosh Hashana.
Articles 4-7 relate to the weekly Torah reading, Shelach; presenting insights into the preciousness of the Land of Israel, the mitzvah of Challah, and the power of prayer at burial sites of the righteous.
IMPORTANT: In Israel, we already read and studied the weekly Torah section Beha'alotecha this past week. For those of you outside of Israel, here is the link to our Beha'alotecha magazine (click here).
And please save this link (click here) for next week when you will be reading Shelach.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Shelach 5783
Vol. 19 No. 35, 15 - 21 Sivan, 5783 / Jun 4 - 10, 2023
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
First Steps | |
Preparing for Kabbala
Observance of the mitzvot is primary…to eliminate the thorns…
Keeping Above Water
“Who spreads forth the earth above the waters.”
Pirkei Avot - Ethics of the Fathers | |
2:1 Every Single Day
Each mitzvah is filled with shining divine light.
Challah vs. Idolatry
Even though challah seems like a relatively minor ritual, the very foundation of our faith hinges upon its observance!
Tuv Ha'aretz | |
Righteous, and in the Land
Chapter Four, Part 1
The righteous of Eretz Yisrael act as the conduit for all divine influence |
Praying At Holy Gravesites
Praying at gravesites is an ancient and widespread Jewish practice
Mystical Story | |
How to See Israel
A man from Tzefat visited Rabbi Avraham Dov of Avritch in Europe and spoke wonders in praise of the Holy Land.
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