In the teachings of the Kabbala, there is a hidden secret contained in the offerings. Our Rabbis have said in the Sifre and at the end of Tractate Menachot: "Shimon ben Azai said, 'Come and see what is written in the section of the offerings: It does not say with reference to them 'E-l', nor 'Elokecha [thy G‑d]', nor 'Elokim', nor 'Sha-dai', nor 'Tze-vaot', but only the Name Havayah, in order not to give an opponent [i.e. a believer in plurality] an occasion for a point of attack.

Perhaps one might say that G‑d is in need of food, therefore Scripture says, "If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is Mine and the fullness thereof." (Psalms 50:12) - as if to say, "I have only commanded you to bring the offerings in order that My Will should be said and fulfilled."

The name Havayah is used in order not to give an opportunity for heretics to rebel….

In the beginning of Torat Kohanim we also find: "Rabbi Yosei says: Wherever an offering is mentioned by Scripture, the name Havayah is used, in order not to give an opportunity for heretics to rebel" [by finding pluralistic allusions against the principle of Unity]. These are the words of the Rabbis of blessed memory.

Now it is true that in the section of the Torah where the offerings are commanded it does not use [the divine names] E-l or Elokim. But we do find [elsewhere in Scripture] verses such as: "the bread of 'Elo-heihem' [their G‑d], they do offer" (further, 1:26); "Offer unto 'Elokim' the offering of thanksgiving (Psalms 50:14), and so forth. However, the slaughtering [of the offering] must be to the name Havayah alone, meaning that [he who slaughters it] must have no intention to do so to anything else in the world, save unto Havayah alone. This is what the Sages meant when they stated: "Scripture has ordered all these Services to be devoted to the name Havayah."

[Adapted from Rabbi Dr. Charles Chavel's annotated translation.]