In the Era of the Redemption, even the miracles which are enclothed in the natural order will be revealed. That is, mankind will be able to perceive these miracles.

In addition, this will indicate a higher level of the miracles themselves. At present, the natural order conceals the miracles because the natural order represents the very opposite of the miraculous [even when a miracle is enclothed with it]. This is because a miracle represents a deviation from the natural order, a change from its ordinary functioning. Therefore [in the present era, the uniqueness of] the miracles which transcend the natural order is more apparent.

In the Era of the Redemption, the natural order will be elevated…

In the Era of the Redemption, however, the miracles which are enclothed within the natural order will also be revealed, as it is said, "I will show you wonders". The reason for this difference is that in the Era of the Redemption, the natural order will be elevated, and it will also be a suitable medium for the revelation of the infinite dimensions of the light of the Ein Sof which will be enclothed within it. Therefore, the miracles which are enclothed in nature will also be overtly revealed.

Thus the new dimension implied by the prophecy "I will show you wonders" - that the wonders will be perceived - will be reflected in the wonders themselves. At present, the miracles enclothed in nature are such that even after the revelation of the infinite dimensions of the light of the Ein Sof through the miracle, the existence of the natural order remains unaffected. In addition, its thrust is directly opposite to the revelation of infinite light (except that the revelation of the infinite light controls it and compels its course to follow the dictates of G‑d's will).

In the Era of the Redemption, by contrast, the miracles that are enclothed within the natural order will possess both advantages: 1) the revelation of light of the Ein Sof will be expressed within the natural order; and 2) there will be no entity whose existence runs contrary to the revelation of [G‑d's] infinity, for even nature will be a medium [for the expression of] the infinite dimension of light of the Ein Sof

[adapted from Sefer HaMa'amarim Melukat IV, p 125; excerpted from "Anticipating the Redemption" Vol. II (S.I.E., 1997), pp 113-114]