…the people were restrained from bringing. (Ex.36:6)
When one possesses understanding, wisdom, and knowledge [tevuna, chochma, and daat], then the work one wants to do performs itself, much like the way in which the universe was created by the Supreme Intelligence by merely issuing directives. This is what David meant when he said: "They came into existence by a mere word of G‑d."(Psalms 33:9)
When someone sets out to perform a mitzvah…G‑d considers it as having been performed…The scriptural proof of this is found in the unusual expression: "Every intelligent person among those who performed the work" (Ex. 36:8). The words "among those who performed the work" seem superfluous. Had these people really been performing the work it should simply have stated: "anyone performing the work". Unless we understand that upon commencement of the task these intelligent [i.e. exclusively scholarly] people suddenly were able to complete tasks they had never learned to perform, we would have to assume that this verse discusses two categories of people: the theoreticians and those who performed the work with their hands.
To the extent that these intelligent people voluntarily willed their hands to perform these tasks, the work was performed by itself. When someone sets out to perform a mitzvah, a meritorious deed, G‑d considers it as having been performed. Therefore, at this point, G‑d assisted in the carrying out of the work.
The phrase "every intelligent person" (Ex. 36:10) is written in the singular, as opposed to "all intelligent people". The verse, however, does not continue in the singular, i.e. "he will bring and he will do". Rather, the plural form, "they will bring and they will do", is included, indicating that their work would enjoy heavenly assistance; each person would in fact become plural, through divine assistance.
The entire Tabernacle is a materialized reproduction of what exists in the celestial spheres…The reason why the various parts of the Tabernacle are described with the prefix hei denoting the definite article "the" [suggesting that these parts had existed already], is simple. The entire Tabernacle is a materialized reproduction of what exists in the celestial spheres. Just as G‑d has an abode in the spiritual world, with the building of the Tabernacle, He would have such an abode in the physical, i.e. the "lower", world. The letter hei in each instance reflects the fact that, upon completion, each component of the Tabernacle corresponded to its counterpart in the celestial spheres, the "higher world".
The appointment of Bezalel is reported as having emanated directly from G‑d. Since he was the grandson of Moses' brother-in-law Hur, Miriam's husband, some people might have accused Moses of nepotism. Therefore, the Torah reports that G‑d Himself singled him out.
It was G‑d's work; Bezalel was merely the tool…This is also evident from Bezalel's very name, which means "in the shadow of G‑d". In the merit of his father, who had been murdered while trying to restrain the people from turning to idolatry, his son achieved this eminence. G‑d inspired not only his spirit and his heart, but also his body.
This is why the Torah says: "He filled him…to carry out, etc." The fact that he could not have been older than eight years old at the time further illustrates that his hands merely reflected divinely inspired motions and movements. It was G‑d's work; Bezalel was merely the tool.
[Translation and commentary by Eliyahu Munk]
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