On the fifteenth of this [seventh] month shall be the festival of Sukkot to G‑d for seven days. On the first day is a holy convocation. ...The eighth day is a sacred holiday to you....(Lev. 23:34-36) …G‑d will rejoice when all of mankind proves that it was worthy of having been created
Just as the sukkah symbolizes a temporary abode, so life on earth represents only a transient part of man's existence. It is divided into seven decades. The first decade is sin-free, hence "the first day is a holy convocation". During the seven days we offer sacrifices also on behalf of the rest of mankind (the seventy nations) since G‑d will rejoice when all of mankind proves that it was worthy of having been created.
The eighth day, representing the eighth decade of our lives, i.e. life after the evil urge has lost its power over us, the holy convocation will be "for you", i.e. for us rather than "for G‑d", since it will be Israel who will be entitled to celebrate its own achievements then.
[Translated and adapted by Eliyahu Munk.]
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