The third level constitutes those souls that fell amongst the kelipot after Adam sinned, from which came his son Seth and others. These are old souls and the lowest of all of the types, because they fell from Adam and splintered into many sparks and pieces as a result of his sin. Since these souls had once been part of Adam, they are called "old", meaning from a previous gilgul. Their residence within Adam is considered a first incarnation…
When they were within Adam they could have become rectified if he had not sinned. Consequently, their residence within Adam is considered a first incarnation. When any of them will come again into the body of a mortal human being, it will be the second incarnation of that soul.
When they come back in the body of a person who later dies, the soul is considered to have incarnated twice, etc. Now, when a soul from this level comes into a body for the first time, it only has the ability to rectify a portion [of the soul] in each gilgul.
The information in most of the rest of this section has already been taught previously. Indeed, this section is a wonderful summary and review of much of what has preceded it. The serious student might take the opportunity after this section to reread the preceding chapters.
In the beginning only a portion of the Nefesh will come to be rectified. For example, if the Nefesh was from the malchut of the Nukva of Asiya, then rectification will be necessary until keter of Aliyah is completed.
Each part must be rectified until the tikun of the entire Nefesh is completed. When this has been accomplished, then the person will die and return in a second body with the Ruach in order to complete its tikun. When that tikun is accomplished, then the person will die and return in a third body with the Neshama to achieve its tikun. When this is done, then he too will die. However, no more reincarnations will be necessary. The Nefesh…needs to reincarnate as many times as it is necessary until it achieves rectification…
We have already explained that when the Ruach comes to be rectified, it does so clothed within the Nefesh of a convert. The same is true regarding the Neshama as well.
Since a tainted Ruach or Neshama cannot come back clothed within a rectified Nefesh or Ruach, if the Nefesh does not complete its tikun, then it needs to reincarnate as many times as it is necessary until it achieves rectification. After that, the Ruach will come into another body with the Nefesh of a convert and will reincarnate by itself many times, until it is complete. After that, the Neshama will come by itself in yet another body, reincarnating many times, if necessary, until it is complete.
If the Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama are rectified, but then the person sins causing a blemish to them, which necessitates reincarnation, as we have described, he will only be able to rectify either the Nefesh, or the Ruach, or the Neshama each time. He will have to start again, but he cannot return with all three of them. There are those that reincarnate…to rectify and guide the people of their generation …
However, it may be that a person rectifies his NR"N to the heights of Atzilut, and he reincarnates, not for his own sake, but for that of another. Since he neither sinned nor caused a blemish, he can retain in this gilgul, even while still only a child, all that which he achieved previously. This is the secret of the son of Rav Hamnuna Sabba, mentioned in [Zohar] parashat Balak, and the rest of the phenomenally righteous and wise children mentioned in the> Zohar. They were complete from previous gilgulim in all their NR"N [and other parts that were already rectified].
This is new information, but it is surprising. If he is not coming for his own sake, but for someone else, then why is he reincarnating? And if he is coming as an ibur, we have learned in Chapter Five, Section 1, and in Chapter 38 that an ibur comes only after the age of thirteen years and a day?
To clarify this problem we will translate a section from Sefer HaGilgulim, the beginning of Chapter 12, where the words of the Rav are more detailed and clearer.
There are those that reincarnate for the sake of others, to rectify and guide the people of their generation. Since people like these are perfect tzadikim that may have merited even the Neshama of Atzilut or similar [very high levels], they do not need to reincarnate for themselves. They only reincarnate for the needs of the hour for the sake of others, to rectify and guide the people of the generation. These people can certainly achieve all their NR"N together, at one time, and all their other parts that were already rectified [as well]. This is the reason that we find young children whose deeds are wondrous like the son of Rav Hamnuna Sabba in [Zohar] Vayechi [who is also] the child in [Zohar] parashat Balak and all the other [wonder] children [throughout the Zohar]. These did not come to complete themselves, but for others. Therefore, they achieved NR"N and all that they had accomplished beforehand in one time, and that is why they were different and wondrous in wisdom.
I, Chaim the writer, am in doubt, however, regarding those who must reincarnate, but not to rectify a sin but to make up for a lacking.
They had not yet fulfilled some Positive Mitzvah, as opposed to actually transgressing a Negative Mitzvah. The question here is whether they will they return with all their previously acquired levels, or not.
In Sefer HaGilgulim, in the chapter just quoted the Rav answers this question in the affirmative and unequivocally.
[Commentary by Shabtai Teicher.]
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