For an explanation of the methodology of this series, see the introduction.

"Every man shall fear his mother and his father, and you shall observe My Sabbaths. I am the L-rd, your G‑d" (Levit. 19:3)

Peshat (basic meaning):

Rashi: "Every man shall fear his mother and father"
Every one of you shall fear his father and his mother. This is its simple meaning. Its Midrashic explanation, however, [is as follows]. Since the verse literally means, "Every man shall fear…," we know only [that this law applies to] a man; how do we know [that it applies to] a woman [as well]? When Scripture says, "shall fear" [using the plural form], two are included [in the verse, namely, men and women]. But if this is so, why does the verse say, "Every man…?" Because a man has the ability to fulfill this [commandment without restriction, since he is independent and thus obliged to fear his parents], whereas a woman is [sometimes] under the authority of others [namely her husband].

"[Every man] shall fear his mother and his father"
Here, Scripture mentions the mother before the father, because He is privy to the fact that a child fears his father more than his mother [and therefore, by mentioning the mother first, Scripture emphasizes the duty of fearing her also. However] in the case of honoring [one’s parents], Scripture mentions the father before the mother, because He is privy to the fact that a child honors his mother more than his father, since she wins his favor by [speaking kind and loving] words. [Therefore, by mentioning the father first in the context of honor, Scripture emphasizes the duty of honoring him also].

"and you shall observe My Sabbaths"
Scripture juxtaposes [the commandment of] observing the Sabbath with [that] of fearing one’s father [and mother], in order to state [the following principle]: "Although I have admonished you regarding the fear of your father, nevertheless, if he tells you to desecrate the Sabbath, do not listen to him." And this is also the case with all the [other] commandments. [This is indicated by:]

Both you and your father are obligated to honor Me!

"I am the L-rd, your G‑d" ["your" in plural form]
Both you and your father are obligated to honor Me! Therefore, do not listen to him to negate My commands. Now, what constitutes "fear?" One must not sit in his place, speak in his stead [when it is his father’s turn to speak] or contradict him. And what constitutes "honor?" One must give [the father and mother] food and drink, clothe them and put on their shoes, and accompany them when they enter or leave.

Remez (hinted meaning):

Baal HaTurim: "Every man shall fear his mother and his father" is juxtaposed to the command, "And my Shabbats you shall keep" for if one's father tells him to do something that would break Shabbat, he should not listen.

"your G‑d"
Next to this [in the start of the next verse] is the command, "Do not pay attention to" meaning that if there is a deity that is your god because you made it on your own, do not turn to it.

Derash (interpretive meaning):

Ohr HaChayim: The word "Shabbat's" is plural, which hints that the non-observance of many work prohibitions over a period of several Shabbats may require only a single sin offering to atone for it. That is when one is unaware of Shabbat laws at all.

The Zohar explains the plural to mean the 2 parts of Shabbat, night and day. One has to sanctify with Kiddush each part separately. The evening is the nature of the light to which a bride relates, while the morning is viewed as a more powerful light of the bridegroom.

Shabbat is the key source of blessing...

Likutei Imrei Chayim: Shabbat is the key source of blessing, always nourishing you, like a parent constantly supporting you throughout your life. Shabbat functions in our lives as the ideal caring parent.

Ach Pri Litvu'a: After birth, you still need love and caring. So after you have acted like a parent to birth your mitzvot, they are not really finished until the next Shabbat passes. The Shabbat is the nurturer, taking the sparks raised by your mitzvot performed and taking them to the next level, to their original source. On Shabbat the mitzvot you did during the week learn to fly.

Sod (esoteric, mystical meaning):

Zohar Kedoshim 83 Raya Mehemna
"You shall revere every man his mother, and his father, and keep My Shabbatot." These precepts are equal to each other, since respect for parents is equivalent to the honor for Shabbat. With regard to his father, it first talks of honor, as the verse said, "if then I am the father, where is My honor (kevodi)? And if I am a master, where is My fear?" (Malachi 1:6) The word Kevodi numerically equals 42 and consists of the ten sayings and 32 times Elo-him in the acts of Creation.

BeRahamim LeHayyim:
If your parent tells you to break a Shabbat law, you are to not "honor" them by obeying. However, the Zohar surprisingly finds equivalence, namely that the respect, the awe, for one's parents is equal to the honor for Shabbat. All 42's provide us with a special hint to the elevation of the worlds.

if one does not honor or respect his can he respect the...Eternal One?

The command to honor the parents is #5. It would seem to be a mitzvah between one and one's fellow, namely one's parent. But it appears on the right "side" of the Tablets, with those precepts between man and G‑d. It is therefore has "a foot in each world" —both between man and man, and man and G‑d. That is because if one does not honor or respect his parents — his physical creators, how can he respect the 3rd member of the team, the Eternal One?

Perhaps the above Zohar is the clue to the move from the left to the right side of the Tablets, namely that by honoring one's parents, this serves the same role as the 42-letter Name in elevating the actions to a more sublime level, to those precepts between man and G‑d. And the honor here is equivalent to the 10 sayings and 32 mentions of Elo-him in the acts of Creation!

Certainly a lot of movement — for example calling your parents every Friday to wish them well!

And what if they are not physically still on our earth plane? Giving over both Torah and tzedakah in their names can do a lot for both the elevation of their precious souls and your place in the spiritual hierarchy.

[In the merit of my father Shemuel ben Moshe Yaakov.]

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