"Saturday Night, Full Moon" by Yerachmiel Tilles is the first of a three volume series. It contains thirty-three intriguing stories of Kabbalah sages, Chasidic masters, and other Jewish heroes, dating from 16th century Israel to 21st century USA. Included is also a three-part appendix of Jewish traditions and customs, both basic and esoteric, for Saturday nights, including storytelling.

The author is well known to KabbalaOnline.org readers as the managing editor of this site. He is also well known to thousands of other around the globe for his story renditions, which have appeared in dozens—if not hundreds — of print and online publications. This 269 page work is his first full solo book.

From the back cover:

"At Ascent in Safed on Saturday night, reluctant to relinquish the Shabbat spirit, everyone gathers for ‘King David's Table’. Sure, it may be that no one is really hungry again, but the main attractions are not the food and hot drink. Instead, following hallowed traditions, all present eagerly attend to the mesmerizing stories told by Ascent co-founder Yerachmiel Tilles …." Rabbi Chaim Clorfene, Author.

"The stories of Rabbi Tilles are tremendously creative and engaging. Rabbi Tilles enables the reader to enter the life of the story - to experience in a very real and tangible way its feelings, beauty, life and drama. … Rabbi Tilles has an amazing gift and I am very excited that with this new book more people will have the opportunity to enjoy and benefit from his stories." Aaron Schmidt, Editor - Jewish Living.

"Thank you for including me to receive your stories. They are so good and so rich. The ways of the Jewish people are so opposite of the world that it's staggering! Some of these truths we have never even ‘thought of’ before! But you teach them in such a beautiful way. Your ways are soft and gentle with each other, and I just love that about the Jewish people. You have so much to teach the world." Annie, a Subscriber to Rabbi Tilles’ Weekly Story Mailing List.


Available at Ascent in Safed and KabbalaOnline-Shop.com as well as from Menorah-books.com