"When you go out to wage war against your enemy, G‑d will deliver him into your hands, and you will capture his captives." (Deut. 21:10)
The Baal Shem Tov taught:
Why should a person listen to his evil inclination? He obviously should not obey the evil inclination itself, but rather learn from his commitment and his methodology, that the evil inclination faithfully
fulfills its Master's wish.
Then, the evil inclination can be defeated through its very own devices. Just as it is quick in its work to entice a person to sin, in order to fulfill its mission from G-·d (as the Zohar relates with the parable of the prostitute1) so a person should also learn to be quick in his efforts not to listen to the evil inclination, which is the will of G‑d [for him].
This, then, is the meaning of, "When you go out to wage war against your enemy" [referring to the evil inclination,] "you will capture his captives" [meaning you will learn a lesson from how he captures his captives].
[Based on Toldos Yaakov Yosef, Pekudei 3, Bechukosai 4
Translation and commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore. Reprinted with permission from //baalshemtov.com.]
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