"Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘You shall watch over My [daily] offering, My food for My fire-offerings, to please Me.’" (Num. 28:2)

Command the Israelites: Moses’ inner intent in requesting that G‑d appoint a leader [Num. 27:15-17] was that the Jewish people would always recognize that there is a Shepherd who runs the world and that all aspects of life occur through Divine providence. G‑d granted this request by instituting the daily sacrifices, which correspond to the daily prayers. The daily sacrifice/prayer rituals enhance our awareness and recognition that there is a G‑d in the world.

The sacrifices are termed G‑d’s "bread"...

My food: The sacrifices are termed G‑d’s "bread," for just as eating strengthens the connection between the body and soul, drawing the life-force of the soul into the body, the sacrificial service (and the prayers that correspond to it) draws the Divine life-force into the world.

Command the Israelites…My food: The constancy of the twice-daily sacrifice expresses the eternal and inviolate bond between God and the Jewish people. Its daily observance therefore gives G‑d great pleasure, and He even calls it His daily "food," the nourishment that "sustains" Him.

The daily prayers were instituted to parallel the daily sacrifices and, in the absence of the Temple, substitute for them. (Berachot 26b) It follows that our daily prayers also "sustain" G‑d. If we ever doubt how important our prayers can be, even our ordinary, middle-of-the-week ones, we should recall that G‑d considers them vital to the world’s existence and maintenance. They are as important to Him as our daily bread is to us!


Based on Likutei Sichot vol. 12, p. 18; vol. 13, pp. 103-104; Likutei Torah 3:41.

(From Chumash Bamidbar – with an Interpolated English Translation and Commentary Based on the Works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe)