For an explanation of the methodology of this series, see the introduction.
"Speak to the children of Israel saying, Any person who becomes unclean from [contact with] the dead, or is on a distant journey, whether among you or in future generations, he shall make a Passover sacrifice for the Lord" (Num. 9:10)
Peshat (basic meaning):
Rashi: "On a distant journey"
There is a dot over the word ‘distant,’ to teach us that he does not really have to be far away, but even if he was merely outside the threshold of the Temple courtyard throughout the time allowed for the slaughtering [of the Passover sacrifice]. On the second Passover, one may keep both leavened bread and unleavened food in the home, and there is no festival [i.e. forbidden work]. The consumption of leaven is not forbidden except while he eats it [the sacrifice].
Remez (hinted meaning):
Baal HaTurim: "or on a distant road"
The gematria of "rechoka/distant" (308) is equal to that of, "This means on the other side of the threshold". (This gematria ignores the letter Hei in "rechoka," for there is a dot over the Hei, implying that the word may be interpreted without the Hei.)
"He shall make the Pesach offering for G‑d. In the second month…."
The juxtaposition of these 2 phrases hints to the fact that the Pesach offering is inherently connected not only to Nissan the first month but also to Iyar the second month as well. For if the year just ended would have been a leap year, then the month that has actually been designated as Iyar is standing in the place of what would have been Nissan. Moreover, as the 15th of Iyar the Manna began to descend, therefore we celebrate one day of Pesach during that month.
Derash (interpretive meaning):
Ramban: The meaning of the verse is not that he must bring it only on Pesach Sheni, but that the Merciful One dealt kindly with him and allowed him if he prefers to bring the 2nd Passover offering, but that if he did bring the first one, he is deserving of a blessing because he has acted rightly. It is also possible that the reason why the Torah mentioned "distant" is because it is referring to a journey which is actually far away and only then must he bring the second Pesach offering, but if he is on a "near" journey within 15 miles—the beginning of "far way', he can bring the second or even the first one by telling them to slaughter and sprinkle for him as well in the afternoon of 14 Nissan and then coming into Jerusalem to eat the Pesach at night.
Sod (esoteric, mystical meaning):
Zohar Beha'alotecha, Raya Mehemna 153:
It is a commandment to make a second Pesach for those that were unable or were defiled by any other uncleanness. If the secret of Pesach , which is the secret of the Faith in which Israel entered, dominates in the month of Nissan and then it is the time for rejoicing, how could those who were unable to prepare it on time, or were defiled, make up for it in the second month, seeing that its time had already passed?
Once the Congregation of Israel is adorned with its crowns in the month of Nissan, she does not remove these crowns and adornments from herself for thirty days. The Matron sits in her adornments all these thirty days, beginning with the day of the exodus of Israel, since the Paschal lamb and all her legions are in a state of happiness. Whoever wishes to see the Matron may look. And the proclamation calls: Whoever did not get a chance to see the Matron should come and look before the gates are locked. When is this proclamation proclaimed? It is on the fourteenth day of the second month, since the gates remain open from then on for seven days following. Following that, they lock the gates. Therefore, the second Pesach.
BeRahamim LeHayyim:
"Last Chance, Last Dance for chesed/Love..." A beautiful part of our faith is that we get a second chance, another opportunity to connect if we miss the mark. Kind of like having Yom Kippur, then Hoshana Raba as a second chance, then until Zot Hanukah (8th Night) to "get it right."
What is this chance? The Holy Zohar says it is the ability to see the Shechinah in all of her finery. Where is she to be found? In our hearts, that is Her place:
If we are not in the right place, we get a second opportunity...
On Pesach we need to be pure of body and pure of spirit to get ourselves out of our own personal tight narrow straits. If we are not in the right place, we get a second opportunity, a second chance to gaze at our inward palace, the place of the Divine Presence.
"Rachmana Liba Ba-ey/G‑d desires the heart."
Open the gates of your heart. Break through all shells and husks that conceal your inner light from yourself.
The wicked are punished in that they are not permitted to see just how much light is contained within them: "The light of the wicked is held back". (Sanhedrin 103b on Job)
But we are all righteous! Open the gates of your heart. Look inside and see just how fine you are. Forget about fixing. You are great just the way you are. If you know this deeply, you will do the right thing always. The Shechinah — G‑d's Divine Presence also called the Congregation of Israel — congregates inside you.
Visit Her often, feel her warm radiance. Share it with all of us.
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