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Aaron understood that the purpose of the Menorah was to unite spiritual worlds.
Rabbi Moshe Alshich teaches that just as the Menorah was fashioned from a single chunk of gold, not a composite of various sections, so Aaron understood that his function in kindling the Menorah was to create a unity here on earth that would parallel the unity in Heaven, described by the reference to "the seven lights".
Moses hints at two kinds of goodness: visible and intrinsic.
Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai teaches that G-d gave three precious gifts to Israel, but that the acquisition of each one of them involve painful experiences which refine his body and enable him to achieve closeness to G-d. The three gifts referred to are Torah, the Land of Israel, and the World to Come.
Kabbalah teaches that ideal prophecy is perfectly in tune with the body.
Only Moses was able to maintain his regular posture when G‑d communicated with him; he did not prostrate himself or go into convulsions, as did other prophets. Neither did he receive such communications in the form of a riddle or parable. Every communication Moses received from G‑d was crystal clear, requiring no further elaboration.
"The Congregation of Israel is adorned with crowns at Passover time, and does not remove these adornments for thirty days." (Zohar)
The Merciful One allows one to bring the Passover offering on Pesach Sheni if he prefers, but if he did bring it at the first opportunity, he is deserving of blessing because he has acted rightly.
G-d gives us an extra month to get ourselves together.
According to the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
Pesach Sheni represents compensation or correction for a prior shortcoming, thus
representing the path of teshuvah. This is the inner reason that this
offering was recorded out of chronological order, for teshuvah
has the power to rearrange a person's life out of chronological order, wiping
away his past mistakes.
The truly great continue to discover how much is beyond their ability to comprehend.
The more understanding one gains of the greatness of G-d, the more one becomes aware of one's own insignificance. Therefore, it is natural that Moses is described as the most humble man who ever lived, for he had acquired more insights into the workings of G-d and of the universe on all levels that anyone
before or after him.
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