
THEMES of Featured Zohar Articles

The Rose Among the Thorns
Introduction - Part 1
Sometimes you act with great enthusiasm driven by a crystal-clear image in your brain; at other times you may do so without vigor, your mind and heart clouded by distractions. Both states are equal before G-d; one should not withhold himself from serving G-d even when uninspired.
Rashbi: Basic Kabbalah Tenets
Encompassing the Infinite
The purpose of the soul’s descent to earth is to reveal the harmony inherent in creation, beginning with the person himself, as the microcosm of the creation. Inner personal peace and harmony can be attained only through ensuring the supremacy of the soul over the body.
Rashbi and His Circle
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai—His Life and Works
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was one of the great Tannaitic Sages who lived during the era of Roman persecution (2nd century CE). Best known as the author of the Zohar, he also holds an important place in the revealed aspects of Torah, the Talmud and associated works, with the unique distinction of being mentioned in every chapter of the Talmud.
Counting on the Torah
The Zohar teaches that the commandment to count the Omer is an ascent into the Upper Worlds.
When the Israelites left Egypt, they left their state of spiritual impurity. They celebrated Passover, partaking of the food of their Father, but nevertheless they were not yet at the proper level of perfection and purity to receive the Torah. These fifty days of purification, until the day following the completion of the seven weeks of counting the omer, enable a person to enter the World to Come and receive the Torah.
Rashbi's Passing
On the day of Rebbe Shimon’s death, he revealed great secrets.
On the day that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was to depart the world, he began arranging his teachings, for Tzaddikim of the stature of Rabbi Shimon know when they have fulfilled their tasks in this world, and when they are to pass on to the World of Truth.
Suspicious Sefirot
The Zohar says that receiving the Torah depends upon rectifying our sexuality.
The barley offering brought by the sota [the wife suspected of being unfaithful], was referred to as a "jealousy offering". Jealousy is an attribute of the sefira of yesod [the sefira of sexuality]; whoever is unfaithful arouses the force of yesod and brings jealous zealots against him.
Far Out, Man
Far Out, Man
The Zohar teaches that anyone can arouse himself to truly return to holiness.
This Torah reading includes the premise that one who is unable to bring the Pesach offering is able to bring it one month later, on Pesach Sheini. The Zohar teaches that this example shows that every person who sincerely makes an effort to purify himself becomes purified – even if in a roundabout way.

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