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The essence of the soul hears what the rest of a person may not.
This Divine Voice, which issues forth from Mount Horeb every day, urges a person to occupy himself with Torah, and is similar to other divine declarations which arouse a person to repentance.
Kabbalah teaches that the 48 Prophets correspond to the 48 supernal sources of blessing.
By applying the 48 methods of acquiring Torah which correspond to the 48 "wells" mentioned in the Torah, we elicit the tremendous wellsprings of Torah and the enormous potential to grow in Torah learning that lies embedded in every Jew.
Kabbala explains the five levels of G-d's exclusive acquisitions
"The Holy One, blessed be He, made five possessions His very own in His world…"
These five possessions are rooted in five sefirot. Abraham - in chesed ; the Torah - gevura ; Israel - tiferet; Heaven and Earth - yesod ; the Temple - malchut. The main function and purpose of these five possessions is the revelation of divinity to the Jewish people, and to the world in general. |
The world was created with a Beit, but the Torah begins with an Aleph.
G-d’s Torah is a reflection of the unity of its Creator, given to the Jewish people so we as a nation could reflect that unity in the world. We too are listed in the teaching as an acquisition. Guided by the Torah, we unite in order to help the world reach the level of completion G-d had in mind before creation.
If no one hears this proclamation from Heaven, what use is it to proclaim it? And if someone were to say that he hears it, what fool would believe him?
Proclamations are made from Heaven that we cannot hear, for there are no words and no speech in the spiritual worlds, which are worlds of thought. Speech, on the other hand, is a physical phenomenon.
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