[We learned part of this same Zohar on Friday Vayigash. See the commentary written there.]
"Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy" (Ex. 20:8). Rabbi Yitzhak cited the verse: "And G‑d blessed the seventh day" (Gen. 2:3). Of the manna, it is written: "Six days you shall gather it but on the seventh day, which is Shabbat, on it there shall be none" (Ex. 16:26). If there was no food on that day, what blessing is attached to it?
...all blessing from above and from below depend upon the seventh day...We have learned that all blessing from above and from below depend upon the seventh day, and we have also learned that there was no manna on the seventh day because all the six supernal days derive their blessing from it, and each of them sends forth nourishment to the world below from the blessing it received from the seventh day [and as they are receiving sustenance they don’t nourish the lower worlds].
Therefore, he who has attained the level of faith must prepare a table and a meal on Shabbat eve so that his table may be blessed all through the other six days. For at that time, blessing is prevalent for all the six week days, for blessing cannot dwell on an empty table. Therefore, one should make ready the table on Shabbat eve with bread and other foods.
Rabbi Yitzhak said: Also on Shabbat day. Rabbi Yehuda added: One must enjoy himself on this day and eat three meals, in order that there will be satisfaction and pleasure in the world on that day.
Rabbi Aba explained that [the reason behind those three meals is] in order that blessings may spread to the supernal days that receive their blessing from that day. On this day the head of Zeir Anpin is filled with the dew which descends from the most hidden Atika Kadisha. He causes it to descend into the Chakal Tapuchin Kadishin three times after the entrance of the Shabbat, in order that all may enjoy the blessing.[Consciousness flows from Atika to bina to Zeir Anpin and from there to malchut and all those who keep Shabbat in this world].
He who lessens the number of the meals exposes a blemish into the regions above...Therefore, a man should enjoy these three times, for therein depends the true faith, in Atika Kadisha, in Zeir Anpin and Chakal Tapuchin Kadishin. He who lessens the number of the meals exposes a blemish into the regions above, and his punishment will be great.
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the table with three meals after the entrance of the Shabbat, and his table must not be empty. Thus, blessing will rest upon it during all the other week days, for therein depends the true faith above.
BeRahamim LeHayyim:
We are a small complete world — every first and last
one of us, individually. And thus, how we comport ourselves indeed has an
effect on the entire human race, planet, and universe. The "butterfly
effect" theory is ancient!
We have been told that: "One must enjoy himself on this day with
three meals, in order that there will be satisfaction and pleasure in the world
on that day". So a simple reading of this would seem
to indicate that if you have satisfaction and pleasure in the world, these
feelings spread out to all on Shabbat! What an awesome concept: my eating
or drinking with pleasure "Lekavod Shabbat Kodesh" in honor of the Holy
Sabbath, can ensure that the world receives satisfaction and pleasure. Our
responsibility to enjoy ourselves therefore is not just Tikkun HaNefesh,
but rather Tikkun HaOlam the healing of the world. Today is Sunday,
but Shabbat is Coming! Save the above intention when you taste your Kiddush
wine and bite into your Hallah. Your satisfaction is our satisfaction.
Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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