As Shabbat leaves, Israel is required below to delay it [to add from the weekday's rule to the holiness of Shabbat, thus showing that the holiness of Shabbat takes precedence over the rulership of the secular days of the week] because this is a great and high day, and on this day a great and precious visitor [the extra soul] dwells with on him. For that reason one should detain the guest and show that there is no hurry to press the holy guest to leave.

Then Israel begins
(the closing Evening prayer) saying "And He, being merciful, will forgive iniquity..." (Ps. 78) which is fit to be said on that (Saturday) night, since judgment returns to its place, not like on Shabbat eve (i.e. Friday night), when judgment is gone and is not present [and is removed from the world; this verse is said in order to nullify the power of the externalities who are no longer restricted as on Shabbat and now can cause judgment in the world].

While Israel starts saying: "and let the pleasantness"
[a remedy to nullify the power of the externalities which now extend into the world] and the holy prayer [after the Amidah: "And you are Holy, etc.", a remedy to remove the Supernal judgment; through this, the wicked see the fire in Purgatory as it is ignited, but as long as Israel are engaged in saying this prayer, the fire is still weak], all the wicked in Purgatory open and say: 'happy are you, holy nation of Israel, and you righteous, that keep the precepts of the Torah. Woe to the evil who were not worthy of observing the Torah'.

[as Israel finishes, the angel of Purgatory] Dumah hurries and a crier resounds: "the wicked shall be turned back to Sheol, all the nations that forget Elokim." (Ps. 9:18) Then all those troops of demons torture them in Purgatory, and no one has pity for them. Worthy are those who observe Shabbat in this world, and delight from that pleasure [the extra Shabbat spirit] that hovers over them, as mentioned.

BeRahamim LeHayyim: Why did the Ari and Chida include this section? What do they want us to learn?

The Arizal said that the special prayers added after Shabbat draw down the light of Atzilut, the secret of the additional Shabbat soul, to the world of Beriya, so that the light and the extra Holiness will extend through the 6 weekdays until the next Shabbat. Through this, we also draw the supernal pleasantness to all the prayers of the following week.

The soul knows. Your soul knows. And your extra-soul does not want to be rushed out the door. Linger. Have a bread meal. Sing a song or two. Still dressed in your Shabbat finery. The supernal effect of these tikkunim reaps immeasurable benefit.

Yom Kippur is Shabbat Shabbaton—the Sabbath of Sabbaths. We end it with a flame kindled the night before the Holy Day began. How we end this Shabbat, how we comport ourselves, opens up the door to Yuma1--THE DAY, which opens up the door to the coming holidays of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah.

What does this mean for your Shabbat Shuvah2, and why is it being revealed to you now?

Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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