We learned that whoever heard a blessing someone made [and answered 'Amen'] but did not concentrate deeply on the Amen, of him it says, "And they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed," as in, "to you, O priests, who despise My name [by their lack of respect during the Temple service]". (Malachi 1:6) What is his punishment? Just as he did not open [gates of] blessings above [for the angels], so no [gates of bounty] are opened for him. Moreover, when he leaves this world, a proclamation resounds before him saying, close the gates before so-and-so, so he may not enter or be received. Woe to him and woe to his soul!

We learned that the wicked in Purgatory all rise through certain compartments
[after receiving punishment for their most severe iniquities, in the appropriate compartment, they rise to a more elevated compartment to be punished there for lesser sins] and that there are many entranceways to Purgatory. All the entranceways correspond to entranceways in the Garden of Eden. When the wicked are released after receiving their punishments, they open the gates and put them outside.

All the gates
[of Purgatory] bear names corresponding to those of the Garden of Eden, and each and every gate is called by a name corresponding to the gate in Purgatory opposite. The gates in the Garden of Eden are known [by names denoting the appropriate reward of that compartment], gate for gate. [When one merits to leave Purgatory through a gate, its name denotes the appropriate punishment of that compartment he just left, and he enters the Garden of Eden through the corresponding gateway just opposite.]

The last compartment in Purgatory is the lowest. That compartment is a compartment
[like an attic] over an compartment [and they are together considered as one] and is called, "A land of 'efatah'". (Job 10:22) What is 'efatah'? It is as in, "square it shall be, doubled" (Ex. 28:16) meaning 'doubled' is 'eef' in Aramaic. Here too, efatah means double. That compartment is called 'Sheol tachtit'. Sheol is one compartment and 'tachtit' [bottom] is the lower compartment. Therefore it is called the lower doubled land and [is also] called 'Avadon' [loss]. Hence it is written, "Sheol and Avadon". (Prov. 27:20) ['Avadon' referring to 'tachtit'] Not all compartments [in Purgatory] are doubled except for this one.

And we learned that whoever descends to Avadon, that is called bottom, never rises. That is referring to a man who was cut off and lost to all worlds.
[Therefore, 'tachtit/bottom' is also called 'Avadon' for one is lost there forever.] And we learned that those men who despised saying 'Amen' are lowered to that place. [Not one who neglected answering once but such a man] that many 'Amen's were lost to him, that he did not ascribe importance to them, [therefore] he is punished in Purgatory and lowered to that lowest compartment which has no opening, and he is lost and never rises from there. Hence it is written, "As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away, so he who goes down to 'Sheol' shall rise up no more". (Job 7:9)

[one asks:] no [it can't be that no one rises from 'Sheol', for] it is written [about Jonah], "out of the belly of Sheol I cried and You did hear..." (Jonah 2:3) [And as we know, Jonah did rise up from there.] It is also written, "He brings down to 'Sheol' and brings up" (I Samuel 2:6) but this is Sheol [from where one may rise], and there is the bottom [from where one never rises]. We explained that [one who rises from 'Sheol' refers to one who thought to do teshuvah but didn't succeed to do so before his death, he descends to Sheol and then rises] , and one who did not repent [at all before he died, this is the man who descends to the bottom Sheol and never rises].

BeRahamim LeHayyim: Why did the Ari and Chida include this section? What do they want us to learn?

The word Amen is so simple, so pure! This word means truthfulness, credence or belief. When we hear another reciting a blessing we respond with "Amen", thus affirming that we believe that which has just been said is true. It is also the initial letters of 'E-l Melech Ne'eman /G‑d the Faithful King'. If we do not carry this on through our life's work, we would be doomed for all of time in Purgatory as discussed above, as the Zohar teaches that if you treat 'Amen' lightly, you may not have a tikkun. Forever. Period. Kaput.

What does that mean? The Zohar hints that if one has even just a glimmer of a thought of teshuvah, there is hope. Even only a glimmer, an instant of regret, a moment of remorse.

The gematria of 'Amen' is equal to that of Havaya and Ado-nai added together. When one says Amen with feeling, all aspects of both Divine Names are united.

According to the Rashash, Alef of Amen stands for Supernal keter, Mem of Amen stands for tiferet, and Nun of Amen stands for malchut, relating to the facilities of spirit, thought and feeling. A flow from top to bottom, or from bottom to top.

What does the above mean for you, and why is it being revealed here?

Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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