The Fast of the Tenth of Tevet — this year on Friday, Jan. 10 — commemorates the onset of the siege outside the walls of Jerusalem that led to the destruction of the Holy Temple on the Ninth of Av - 3 years and seven months later. In our times, it has also become the date to say Kaddish for those martyrs of the Holocaust (and all the others through the centuries) whose date of death is unknown. The 3rd article discusses Kaddish at both the basic and mystical levels. All the other articles (except the last, a Holocaust story, which naturally connects to the Fast Day), are either direct from Kabbala sources or based on traditional Kabbalah teachings.

The lead article is a deep, mystical dive into an unusual feature about the new Jewish month, Tevet

Articles #4-6 are for this week's Torah Reading, the last in the Book of Bereishit (Genesis), Chazak, chazak, v'nit'chazeik!