This week, Sunday night-Monday, 6 days after Tisha b'Av, is/was a happy holiday! - "The Fifteenth of Av" - see last week's magazine or the first featured article on this week's home page.
Articles #4-6, connecting to the weekly Torah reading, Ekev, illuminate either the proper manner of saying blessings, or the worthiness of proper eating, or both.
All 7 come from a wide variety of classic and modern authors.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Eikev 5784
Vol. 20 No. 48, 14 - 21 Menachem Av 5784 / Aug. 18 - 24, 2024
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
Keep Up the Great Work! Adam Hutt Sam Nebenzahl AMH Equity Ltd. Leviticus Partners LP |
What is Kabbalah? | |
What is Kabbalah? ...And Why?
The wondrous mysteries of Kabbalah
The Jew and His Possessions
What's going on with your possessions can reflect what's going on in your soul-root. |
Culture | |
When the Tweeting Stopped
Kabbalah, Twitter, and Tweeting (Part 2)
140 characters signifies the unification of Wisdom/Chochmah and Understanding/Binah |
Dinner Table's Divine Dimension - Part 1
Kabbalah teaches the secret meditations of washing one's fingers before Grace.
Not by Bread Alone
When we eat foods that are kosher, and with a blessing, we elevate divine sparks back to their spiritual source. |
A Tribute to Wine
Of the five fruits for which the Land of Israel is praised in the Torah, only grapes can be processed in such a way that their "status" increases.
Mystic Story | |
Under the Full Moon
"Be careful not to mix up your mezuzot with the Rebbe's mezuzot," the scribe cautioned.
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