Our lead article, about the glory of Jerusalem, is by the irreplaceable Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who departed two years ago to his exalted eternal reward.
Articles #1-2 are for Tisha B'Av, the major 25 hour fast from Monday sunset to Tuesday nightfall, in recollection of the destruction of the two Holy Temples in Jerusalem.
The Weekly Reading, Vaet'chanan, amazingly contains both the "Shma Yisrael" prayer and the Ten Commandments — see articles #3 & 4.
Shabbat has a special name: "Shabbat of Consolation." The story (article #7) relates to it.
Next Sunday night-Monday, 6 days after Tisha b'Av, is a happy holiday! - "The Fifteenth of Av - see article #5.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Va'etchanan 5784
Vol. 20 No. 47, 7 - 13 Menachem Av 5784 / Aug. 11 - 17, 2024
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
The Holy Land | |
The Resonance of Jerusalem
Jerusalem is perhaps one of the most quarrelsome and troublesome places in the world, but it is still a city of peace.
The Fifteenth of Av | |
The Hidden Festival
Why are there is no confession or supplication prayers on the 9th of Av?
Weekly Torah Reading | |
Struck with a Sledgehammer During Prayer
When an untoward thought arises in one's mind during prayer, it is so that he can rectify it and raise it back to its Source.
At the Mountain's Foot
Via the Torah the Jews can instill G-dliness in a physical world.
The Fifteenth of Av | |
Dancing in the Moonlight
Tu B'Av: the greater the descent, the greater the ascent
Weekly Torah | |
Mystic Story | |
From Fire to Ice
“I give in. We’ll go to the Premishlaner Rebbe for Shabbos Nachamu,” he promised his wife.
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