We lead with one of our most popular topics, 'Soul Mates,' from the deep perspective of a leading16th century Kabbalist of Tzefat, author of the kabbalah treatise, Reishit Chochma, who studied under the two most prominent Kabbalah masters, Rabbis Moshe Cordovero and Yitzchak Luria. (See also the final article, which approaches the topic from a completely different perspective.)
Roots of Islam and roots of Hinduism in relation to Judaism are discussed in articles #4-5.
Article #2 portrays Shabbat candlelighting from a woman's Kabbalistic perspective.
Articles #5-6 are both from the Zohar.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Chayei Sara 5784
Vol. 20 No. 8, 21 - 27 MarCheshvan, 5784 / Nov. 5 - 11, 2023
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
DEDICATED by the staffs of KABBALAONLINE.org and of our mother organization ASCENT in SAFED:
for the soul elevations of the 1300+ Jews and other Israelis who were viciously murdered by bloodthirsty animals; and for the immediate rescue a/o release of those held in captivity by inhuman maniacs; and for the speedy and complete recovery for the 3000+ injured; and for a full victory -- NO ceasefires! -- for the heroic soldiers of the IDF, so that no longer will be possible a terrorist threat from Gaza again; and that the ONE Above should shower the close and extended families of the martyrs with divine consolations and only happy occasions and good news from now on. |
Love & Marriage | |
Soul Mates
Kabbalah teaches that a soul's heavenly source has male and female halves.
Of Candles and Creation
Kabbalah explains the mystical connection between Shabbat and femininity.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe on Moshiach and Redemption | |
Transcending Limitations
All entities will exist on an infinitely higher plane.
Twelve Princes
The first 12-Step program in history and why it didn’t work
The Zohar | |
Abraham's Presents to the East
What one seeks in This World directs the path of his soul as it ascends the spiritual realms.
Knowing You from Adam
Adam and Eve's continuity was assured through Abraham.
Mystic Story | |
The First Match
"I asked the Maggid of Mezritch to pray for me that the Al-mighty arrange that I meet my marriage partner..." |
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