Welcome to our special SHAVUOT issue.
Articles 1-3, 5-7 are for the Shavuot Festival that starts this week on Thursday night. The first two are from the Zohar and the 'Holy Ari' respectively
This Shabbat is the 2nd day of Shavuot for those who live outside the land of Israel. We here, however, will already be reading the Torah section called Naso (article #4) this Shabbat.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Shavuot - Naso 5783
Vol. 19 No. 33, 1 -7 Sivan, 5783 / May 21 - 27, 2023
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
May you: our loyal readers and supporters and new or occasional visitors, all be blessed
to receive the Torah on the day the G-D gave the Torah with joyousness and internal absorption. CHAG SAMAYACH AND GOOD YOMTOV! |
Seeing the Sounds
G-d rejoiced at the Giving of the Torah even more than when the world was created.
Four Holy Faces
One can choose to which chariot's influence he submits himself.
A Sight to Behold
Sweetness, light and joy at the receiving of the Torah
Fasting While Eating
Live in This World without becoming subservient to it
Ruth-Shavuot Connections
The Sages found a cryptic message indicating the real reason why Ruth converted to Judaism.
A Shavuot Meditation
Be very careful to purify one’s thoughts until that time when the Ornaments of the Bride ascend.
Mystical Story | |
Shavuot Night in Salonika
16th Century Kabbalists are inspired by a voice from the spiritual worlds.
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