This week we study the first of the eleven readings in the Book of Exodus (see articles #4-6).
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides) and the great Moroccan Jewish Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (see articles #1, 2), both have yahrzeits this Thursday night - Friday.
Kabbalah Online Magazine
Week of Shemot 5782
Vol. 18 No. 16, 15 - 21 Tevet 5782 / Dec 19 - 25, 2021
A note from the staff of Kabbalah Online in Tzefat
What is Kabbalah? | |
Mysteries and Truth
We must listen to the Kabbala as if we have seen it ourselves.
Jewish Meditation | |
Becoming a Prophet
The Rambam describes the nature of prophecy.
First Steps | |
Angels are divine emissaries with form but no substance.
Weekly Torah Reading - The Holy Ari | |
Atone with Bricks and Mortar - Part 1
Early generations set the pattern for nurturing evil in this world.
Weekly Torah Reading - Contemporary Kabbalists | |
Genuine Needs
One truly prays from the depths of the heart only when one strongly feels a deficiency.
Weekly Torah Reading - Ascent Lights | |
The Prophetess of Redemption
The Israelites were redeemed from Egypt in the merit of the righteous women of the generation |
Mystic Story | |
Only Pharaoh
Only Pharaoh himself can be considered a true heretic.
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