We live in a society that strives to create equality. Enacted initially to right the benefits forcefully taken by the powerful, equality has become a goal in and of itself. Korach's rebellion against Moses and Aaron had a similar focus. "The entire nation is holy; why do you raise yourselves above G‑d's congregation?" (Num. 16:3) Korach believed in absolute equality between every Jew. Jewish tradition states that Korach's platform of unity became the opposite, the prototype for the worst possible division, as the Sages teach, "Every dispute...not for the sake of Heaven...is the dispute of Korach and his followers" (Avot 5:17).

G‑d created the world with certain specifications and limitations for every creation to differentiate it from the rest….

The refutation of Korach's claim is hinted in Moses' words, "[In the] morning and G‑d will know" (Num. 16:5). The word "morning" was to demonstrate how G‑d has created the world with necessary borders. Just as it is impossible to mix night and day, so Korach's expectation to make every Jew exactly equal was also impossible.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that G‑d created the world with certain specifications and limitations for every creation to differentiate it from the rest. Likewise every created being has a unique reason for being. The different qualities G‑d gave each creature are in order help that thing, animal, person, etc. to best serve its ultimate purpose. When a created being uses its specific qualities, it is attaining its full potential. If a creation attempts otherwise, trying to fulfill goals and using talents not given to it by G‑d, that being is actually making chaos. (We see what happens when man tries to play G‑d. As often as not, moving an animal or plant out of its normal environment to another can often result in not only upsetting delicate natural balances, but can also lead to destroying entire habitats, despite all good intentions.) Our challenge is to discover what our talents and qualities are and then utilize them to the fullest extent possible.

Real unity is defined as each person utilizing his or her individual strengths for the sake and benefit of the whole….

The division G‑d made within the Jewish people, between Priests, Levites, and Israelites (and also between the ordinary Priest and the High Priest) is not arbitrary! Each grouping, each Jew, has actual differences in soul components and purposes in life. In order for each Jew, and ultimately all of Creation, to attain true completion, each person must act within these borders. Destruction or ignoring these delineations, as Korach did, leads only to anarchy and destruction. His goal of unity was only "virtual". Real unity is defined as each person utilizing his or her individual strengths for the sake and benefit of the whole. A car has many parts, each of which must work according to its design and shape; if a lever wanted to be a chain, and a wire a pipe, no one would get anywhere.

Choose wisely when society offers a choice between our Jewish heritage and society's demands to break borders - between genders, religions, Jews and gentiles, etc. all for the sake of "equality and peace". All too often, professed goals of unity lead to the exact opposite, Heaven forbid. Recognizing the danger is one more step towards the true unity that will come with the final redemption.

Shabbat Shalom, Shaul

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