A person who ascends from Chutz LaAretz to Eretz Yisrael yet intends to go back experiences the following spiritual changes: Upon reaching the outer side of "The Ladder", he is divested of all his kelipot - negative barriers. He only enters with his Nefesh of Asiya, yet he can not receive a Nefesh of Yetzira. This is why he must observe all the holidays as they are kept abroad.

Rav Chaim Vital wrote that he who is born in Eretz Yisrael has his NR"N (Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama) from [the angel] Meta‑tron. Yet when they leave Eretz Yisrael they are enclothed by a garment of [the angel] Sandalfon. The shell that surrounds him is like that of an almond…

The shell that surrounds him is like that of an almond, the green soft layer representing Rahav and the inner harder shell symbolizing Sama'el. The wood like substance inside the shell represents the shell of the Temurot ("Opposition"). The thin shell - the bran that is attached to the food - is pure; it is from Sandalfon. This is the garment that he is enclothed with upon leaving towards Chutz LaAretz. Despite the fact that the shells of the kelipot don't defile the Nefesh of Sandal-fon except by means of direct contact, as in the case of earthenware vessels, if he returns, then they are removed from him. [To this is what King David hinted at when he wrote the three times "they surrounded me", and "And in the name of G‑d, I smite them down." (Psalms 118:10-12)] Only the thin bran is not removed upon his return. On the very evening of his arrival in Eretz Yisrael, while he lies down to sleep, they remove the NR"N that he brought with him and immerse it in the Dinor River…

He who is born outside of Eretz Yisrael is given his NR"N from the realm of Sandalfon. If he subsequently comes to live in Eretz Yisrael, then he is given a NR"N from the aspect of Meta‑tron. Yet the NR"N from Sandalfon doesn't leave him and remains as a garment for his NR"N of Meta‑tron. On the very evening of his arrival in Eretz Yisrael, while he lays down to sleep, they [the angels] remove the NR"N that he brought with him and immerse it in the Dinor River. When they return his Neshama, he is given the new NR"N from Meta‑tron that is enclothed in the NR"N of Sandalfon.

We must delve into this seemingly strange addition, resulting in the new immigrant having two NR"Ns, whilst the person born and bred in Eretz Yisrael only has one! The answer is simply that what caused him to make the move to Eretz Yisrael? His NR"N of Sandalfon! Therefore we treat her with goodness, and allow her to remain attached to his new NR"N as a robe to a body. This also permits that NR"N to be elevated together with the NR"N of Meta‑tron. Rava said, "if one of us goes up to Eretz Yisrael then he is worth two of them!"

In my impoverished opinion, that seems to be the intention of the sages (Ketubot 75a) when they taught, "And to Zion it shall be said, 'Man after man was born in her'." (Psalms 87:5) Abaye explained this verse: One of them (Jews from Eretz Yisrael) is worth two of us (Jews of the Diaspora)." That is true based upon the fact that regarding a person dwelling in Eretz Yisrael, his NR"N is from Yetzira, which is the second level up, whereas the NR"N of he who dwells in Chutz LaAretz is from Asiya, which is on the first (bottom) level. Therefore a person from Eretz Yisrael is worth two for he is from the second world. Yet the sages (ibid.) continue, "Rava said, 'if one of us goes up to Eretz Yisrael then he is worth two of them!'" It seems to be so, for he not only remains with his NR"N from Asiya, he also receives a NR"N from Yetzira. And that very NR"N of Asiya enabled him to receive the NR"N of Yetzira. Therefore his NR"N is double and therefore worth two of them (Jews from Eretz Yisrael). With that we can understand the continuation of the Talmud, "For Rav Yirmiyah, while he was here (Babylon), he couldn't understand what the rabbis were saying, yet when he ascended to Eretz Yisrael (and started to understand) he said that the Babylonians are stupid!" If…that person decides to leave Eretz Yisrael permanently, he must leave behind his new soul of Yetzira

Let's return to the previous topic. When he who is born abroad and ascends to live in Eretz Yisrael permanently reaches the "The Ladder", he is divested of all the aforementioned kelipot. He only enters Eretz Yisrael with his Nefesh from the world of Yetzira. That Nefesh gets covered with his newly cleansed Nefesh of Asiya, as a sword fits into its sheath. If for some reason that person decides to leave Eretz Yisrael permanently, he must leave behind his new soul of Yetzira in Eretz Yisrael. Rather he takes with him his old Nefesh of Asiya, which gets enclothed by the kelipot in the same fashion mentioned above.

(End of Chapter Seven.)