Kabbalah is the ancient Jewish mystical tradition which teaches the deepest insights into the essence of G‑d, His interaction with the world, and the purpose of Creation. The Kabbalah and its teachings - no less than the Law - are an integral part of the Torah. They are traced back to the revelation to Moses at Sinai, and some of them even before. The Kabbalah itself teaches that its study is an important method for helping to advance the final Messianic redemption and perfect the world.
If you are without the Jewish educational background for this complex and mysterious inner dimension of Torah, known as Kabbalah, you can start with our online tutorial, Kabbalah for Beginners (click here).
You may also be interested in our Recommended Reading Lists.
If you have some Torah background but without Kabbalah and Chasidut, you will still find many worthwhile articles in our "Introductory" section, such as The Need to Learn Kabbalah in our "What is Kabbalah?" folder and the series on the descent through the Worlds and the series on Sefirot in our "First Steps" folder. All main sections of KabbalahOnline.org are accessible from any page of the site. But if you need help in navigating, just go to How to Use this Site.
In the merit of our unity of purpose and endeavor, we can earn the future joy we have been promised - which we can already enjoy a taste of via the study of the inner dimensions of G‑d's holy Torah.
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