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One from each genre

Turn Around
The Zohar
Nothing in the world that stands in the way of G-d accepting repentance; everyone who returns to G-d, even the wicked, is received in good favor by Him and is summoned to the Path of Life.
Elul Redemptions
The Holy Ari
A penitent goes out to war against his evil inclination and against the limbs of his body which had become accustomed to sin. Repeated sinful acts weave a crude and vulgar "garment" for the soul. The penitent, as part of his repentance, must remove these filthy garments, as well.
For a Full Month
Mystical Classics
Our Sages set aside the Month of Elul prior to the Day of Judgment, Rosh Hashanah, for penitence and self-flagellation to eradicate our sins. This assists the soul to assist us to remain on the correct path. Eventually, this soul will once more perform the task assigned to it.
Mercy Month
Chasidic Masters
There are two ways in which we can have contact with G‑dliness: one is to experience divine illumination as it descends from above; the other is to reach G‑dliness from where we are.

The month of Elul is a time of preparation when we examine ourselves, regret our misdeeds and resolve to improve in order to reach a level so that, on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, G‑dly revelation can descend to us.
Compassion and Light
Contemporary Kabbalists
When a kingdom's subjects view their king, they are overcome with awe of the intense splendor. Similarly, between Rosh Hashanah h and Yom Kippur, G-dliness is exposed to every Jew. However,our divine service is a precondition to experience the awe of this divine consciousness.
Elul: Preparing for a Lion
Ascent Lights
The Shelah comments that when the "lion" of the High Holy Days arrives, people feel the urge to change their behavior for the better in preparation of the Day of Judgment.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Mystic Story
The Elul Process
Laws & Customs
Elul is the last month of the Jewish year. As the preparation for Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Judgment, which immediately follows it, Elul is marked by a number of special customs and traditions.
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