"He does not look at evil in Jacob, and sees no perversity in Israel: G‑d, their G‑d, is with them." (Num. 23:21)

The reason G‑d does not look at the evil "in Jacob" is because He looks at the Jew as having already fulfilled his potential to reorient the animal concerns of his consciousness (his animal "soul") toward Divinity. He thus transforms the animal soul into a positive force in his Jewish life, harnessing its raw power to pursue its interests in the service of his higher, Divine consciousness (his "Divine soul").

This is certainly not easy; what enables the Jew to effect this transformation is his Divine soul. Since G‑d is omnipotent, the Jew, possessing a spark of Divine consciousness within him, possesses the power to overcome the down-sliding entropy of the animal soul.

This is the inner meaning of this verse:
"He does not look at evil in Jacob:" i.e. G‑d sees that the Jew can conquer his animal soul, because --
"G‑d is with him, i.e. within him, referring to the Divine soul, which enables the Jew to transform his animal soul.

[Adapted from Likutei Torah 3:70 c]

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"He does not look at evil in Jacob, and sees no perversity in Israel: G‑d, their G‑d, is with them." (Num. 23:21)

"Jacob" refers to the Jew as he is involved in the mundane reality of the work week, while "Israel" refers to the Jew in his transcendent state on the Sabbath.

When we attempt to pray during the week, we must strive to overcome the many confusing and distracting thoughts that intrude from our involvement in worldly affairs. We are only able to succeed in this struggle because "G‑d, their G‑d is with them."

On Shabbat, however, we do not have to expend any effort to rise above the distractions of the mundane world; all we need to do is cultivate sensitivity to the special illumination of our soul that is revealed on Shabbat.

This is the meaning of the phrase, "G‑d, their G‑d is with them" that applies to Shabbat.

[Based on Sefer HaMa’amarim 5689, pp, 207-208; Sefer Hama’amarim Kuntresim, vol. 1, 50a]
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