THEMES of Featured Contemporary Kabbalists Articles
A blessing always leads to an increase and an addition.
When a person counts and numbers in order to know how
much they possess, a blessing does not dwell on that
counted or numbered thing. However, if all of the abundance is for the
purpose of giving to others, then on the contrary, a blessing will dwell on it; thus the Torah makes a strict accounting of the donations to the
The Tabernacle embodied the revealed as well as the mystical
The revealed level of divine light is called
"lower Shechinah" and the hidden level is called "higher Shechinah".
Man, in building his personal Tabernacle of service to G-d, accesses the lower
Shechinah through the fulfillment of "active" mitzvahs and he accesses the higher Shechinah
through the fulfillment of "passive" mitzvahs.