THEMES of Featured Zohar Articles
Kabbalah teaches the significance of some customs of the Havdalah ceremony.
The Zohar teaches that smell sustains the
Nefesh in man; the soul enjoys the smell - not the body. Thus, when Shabbat departs a person should smell aromatic
spices when the extra Ruach
which a person receives when Shabbat enters has now departed and the
Nefesh of the
person is left bereft. (Ruach
is derived from the same root as re'ach/smell.)
Based on Zohar Shemot 89B
Those who study the Torah have their conjugal union only on Shabbat, when people do not work, but when G-d alone works. And what is G-d's work? Union with the Shechinah in order to bring forth new holy souls into the world.
Kabbalah teaches that via our daily prayers, we ascend spiritual worlds.
The Zohar notes that the rectification of the body through prayer is a striking concept. The prayer shawl is made of wool and encompasses the body. The tefillin are made of animal skin and parchment and are worn directly on the skin and the first part of the prayer deals with sacrifices that are related to the blood. Thus all three levels: external, surface, and internal are rectified by the morning prayers.