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The Zohar reveals a few secrets about the fruits of the Land of Israel
The seven most important fruits of the Land of Israel are listed in the description of the land that G-d was to give the Jews.
Wheat and barley represent the divine abundance in the physical world. A small amount of wine uplifts the heart; figs symbolize the righteous still destined to be born. Golden bells and pomegranates bordered the hem of the High Priest's coat, representing Jews' many good deeds. The olive tree gives both fruit to eat and light to see by (in the form of olive oil); ate-honey is the sweetness of the oral law. |
Mystical Classics
There are thirty species of fruit that grow in the Land of Israel, ten each from the realms of Beriya, Yetzira, and Asiya.
The fruits from the realm of Beriya have neither shell nor pit. The fruits from the realm of Yetzira have an inedible pit. The fruits from the realm of Asiya are surrounded by an inedible shell which acts as a protective barrier, preventing the impurity from penetrating the holiness of the fruit. |
Chasidic Masters
A fruit consists of the shell or peel, the fruit itself, and the seed contained within. The seed is the purpose of the fruit; it is the ability to regenerate and reproduce, representing a Jew's work in this world; to engage in the study of Torah and the performance of mitzvahs, as well as passing these values over to the next generation.
Contemporary Kabbalists
There are many similarities between a man and a tree. In order for the ground to be fruitful, it is necessary to work it: to remove the thorns, to plow, to sow, and to water. So too with a person; in order to ascend spiritual steps and levels one needs to work on their character traits.
Ascent Lights
If we eat and enjoy the fruits of this world for God’s sake—because this is what He asks of us—then we are serving G-d and bonding with Him by acknowledging that the fruits of this world are His gifts to us and by willfully accepting and enjoying those gifts.
The root of Jewish life is, in fact, enjoyment—the pleasure of connecting to God.
Laws & Customs
The Code of Jewish Law states that on Tu B’Shevat fasting and eulogies are forbidden, and all penitential prayers are omitted. The Magen Avraham adds: “It is the custom to eat many different kinds of fruit.” The Kabbalistic celebration of Tu B’Shevat originated in Safed, and involves eating particular fruits in a specific order and reading mystical passages appropriate to each of them.