
THEMES of Featured Contemporary Kabbalists Articles

Hidden Mercies
Only when conscious of our own limitations can we call upon divine mercy
The "Shemot", or "names", exiled are likened to divine names of G-d which are in a state of concealment until the Final Redemption; we must never forget that G-d is always with us, although usually hidden.
In the Heart of a Fire
G-d is everywhere, even in a thorn-bush.
G-d revealed himself to Moses in a thorn-bush to teach him that G-d is everywhere, even in a thorn-bush. The harmful and annoying thorns of the thorn-bush symbolize evil. G-d thus taught Moses that He is present in everything, even evil. This belief is essential in the struggle to overcome evil.
Saddling Up Mashiach's Donkey
The redemption from Egypt was a necessary phase in the ultimate redemption of the physical.
When Moses took his wife and children back with him to Egypt, he mounted them on the same donkey that Abraham had saddled on his way to fulfill G-d's command to sacrifice Yitzchok
This donkey is also the one that the Mashiach will ride, indicating that Moses should not regard the redemption from Egypt as a failed attempt to reach the ultimate redemption but as a necessary phase in it.
Genuine Needs
One truly prays from the depths of the heart only when one strongly feels a deficiency.
True prayer comes only after a person has exhausted his own energies and abilities to achieve a healing or whatever it is they want. Also, if a person requests mroe than one matter, it is a sign that neither deficit is completely consuming.
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