
THEMES of Featured Zohar Articles

Anticipating <i>Hei </i>Day
The Final Redemption unfolds according to schedule
The Zohar prophesied about the current age we are in, relating the Name of G-d, Havayah, to numbers and years and connecting it to the reestablishment of the Divine Kingdom on earth.

It predicts the Industrial Revolution, and explains why advances in hi-tech of the last 160 years are greater than the previous thousands of years.
A Name in the World to Come
Kabbalah explains that a perfected soul is one that is connected to the World to Come.
"An angel called to him from heaven and said, 'Abraham, Abraham!'"

One finds with every tzadik that at one point or another in the Torah, his name is repeated. The Zohar teaches it is because every tzadik in this world has two souls, one in this World and one in the World to Come.
Listening From/To the Tent
Sarah was the only woman to whom G-d ever spoke directly!
Sarah heard the announcement of the Shechinah that she would have a son. This was a lower level of the revelation of the Shechinah, whereas Abraham was privy to a higher level.
Generous Unifications
When one gives charity, he causes the Holy Name to become complete.
When one gives charity to a poor person, he causes the Holy Name to become complete, for tzedaka is the Tree of Life, the sefira of tiferet, which pours forth to tzedek - malchut. When this happens, they unite and the Holy Name is completed.
Pure From Impure
Audio | 12:16
Pure From Impure
Based on Zohar Breishit 102B
When Adam sinned, it was by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and Abraham repaired the world by using another tree.

For if a person cleaved to G-d, the tree spread out its branches over his head and formed a pleasant shade for him. But if a person was connected to idolatry, the tree raised its branches upwards. Then Abraham did not let him go until he cleaved to faith in G-d!

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