
THEMES of Featured Mystical Classics Articles

Isaac, Son of Abraham
Rectified judgment emerges from mercy
The Sages state that G-d wanted to create a universe that would be administered solely by the attribute of Justice, but when G-d realized that such a universe could not endure for long, He adopted the attribute of Mercy. The attribute of Justice is associated with the Isaac, while that of Mercy is connected to Abraham, his father.
In the Merit of the Covenant
Abraham's circumcision allowed him a permanent connection with the Divine Presence.
The message to Abraham was that henceforth G-d's presence would rest on him on a permanent basis. In Kabbalistic terms, Abraham had now become a "carrier of the Shechinah". Now that Abraham was circumcised, he was able to absorb a vision of G-d in His superior light.
The Water Level of Torah
When an angel assumes human form, his "body" is compared to a foot.
"Let a little water be brought."

Abraham hinted to the angels that they should take a little of the plain meaning of the Torah i.e. "water," while in human form. They could then rest under "the Tree," i.e. hyperbole for Torah which is known as the Tree of Life. He invited the angels to take also bread i.e. to enjoy the inner aspects of Torah, as well.
At the Entrance of the Tent
True peace is achieved only after great effort.
Abraham consulted with Mamre on how to perform the commandment of circumcision. We learn from this that when one is instructed to fulfill a certain mitzvah, one should consult with a qualified person how best to fulfill it.
Oneness in This World
Kabbalah teaches the nature of unity and separation in our current world.
The Torah repeats the prohibition against mixing meat and milk - two perfectly permissible items - three times, as it is difficult for us to understand that joining two permitted substances into one is harmful to the condition of G-d's universe.

Likewise, as long as there is an evil force at work in our world, G-d and His Name are not one and the same. These two types of holiness are still apart and do not mix.
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