THEMES of Featured Chasidic Masters Articles
Kabbalah explains how the fruits of Israel are connected to the 7 days of Creation.
The mitzvah of the First Fruits [in Hebrew, Bikurim] is done only with the Seven Holy Species native to Israel: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. These seven species correspond to the seven midot, which in turn correspond to the seven days of Creation and foundation of the world.
By eating in holiness, we are able to become elevated spiritually.
"And your
heart became arrogant, and you forgot G-d…"
The holy Zohar teaches that it is forbidden for one to eat before one has first beseeched G-d for one's sustenance. Even when the table is set before you and filled with fine, kosher foods, one must still remember that it is G-d who provides our sustenance. |
When we do mitzvahs happily, we elevate our soul and make it part of the spiritual community of Jewish souls above.
When we do mitzvahs happily, we elevate our soul and make it part of the spiritual community of Jews above, where all souls are bound together in bonds of love and friendship. Only when we are happy, can our soul be united with all other souls.
The Written and Oral Torah evoke different aspects of holiness
"And you shall write on the stones all the words of this Torah, well explained."
The letters of Torah house the revelation of G-d's infinite light as stones form a house. Stones which are created by G-d correspond to the Holy Tongue, whose letters and words contain and express the energy of the objects and ideas they house. |