
THEMES of Featured Laws & Customs

A Sincere Prayer
During the prayers of the first night of the holiday, concentrate!
Sincere prayer is the best possible "head" for a good year. Say the Evening Prayer of the first night of Rosh Hashanah, the first prayer of the new year, with extra care.
Spiritual Throw-aways
On Rosh Hashana, do we really cast our sins into the water?
We wish to truly leave behind all of our past transgressions and personal faults, emerging cleansed in a state of renewal. This Rosh Hashanah, may we merit to approach the life-giving source of all divine beneficence, our spiritual "stains" washed away.
Why Do We Blow the Shofar?
Ten major reasons why we blow the shofar.
G-d instructed in the Torah that the shofar should be blown "on the first day of the seventh month". But He did not confide in us what this commandment signifies to Him.

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