THEMES of Featured Contemporary Kabbalists Articles
By virtue of the spark of Moses within us, every one of us can emulate him.
"What does G‑d, your G‑d, demand of you? Only to
revere G‑d…."
This was addressed to all the Jewish people. The apparent ease with which Moses attained fear of G-d can be emulated by every one of us by virtue of the 'spark' of Moses within us, When we reveal our inner Moses, the fear of G-d does indeed become relatively easy to attain. |
The greater the efforts we expend in attaining, sustaining, and promulgating Divine consciousness, the deeper we dig into the core of our souls.
The Land of Israel is the archetypal setting in which the Jewish people are to transform the world into God’s home. The seven distinctive plants grown in the Land of Israel represent the diverse facets of this transformation process.
Uniting with the essence of G-d is a level beyond reward and punishment.
This Torah portion and the previous Torah portion, Va'etchanan, describe different aspects of our relationship to G‑d.
Va'etchanan focuses on Moses' request that G‑d grant us the unconditional gift of divine "sight" so that fulfillment of G‑d's will is a given. In contrast, Eikev focuses on our response to the gift of divine insight, our "hearing", which obligates us to refine ourselves with our own effort. |
The Jewish people’s desert trek was a forerunner and metaphor of the existential state of exile, which is followed by the redemption and entry into the Promised Land. The Torah here describes the stages through which both the people as a whole can descend into their collective exile and we as individuals can descend into our own personal exiles.
The fact that one has soul-imperfections does not necessarily mean that he is a bad or evil person. It may simply mean that he is spiritually active. The more spiritual changes one undergoes, the more expelling of impurities there will be. It doesn't mean that things are bad, just that things are happening.