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![]() Advanced
Kabbalah teaches that divine sustenenance "rides" upon our blessings.
Divine influx is drawn down into this world in response to blessings, prayer and Torah study. When a person makes a blessing before eating food, the expiration of his breath as he makes the blessing releases a spark of holiness that was trapped in that food. That spark ascends on his breath and is attracted back to its holy source from where it generates a downward flow of beneficence.
![]() Audio | 10:45
Based on Zohar 271b
Those present at the King's feast behaved properly to show they were members of the King's table; we should behave likewise at a Shabbat Meal, for numerous rectifications are brought about by various details enacted then.
![]() Intermediate
Transform your meals into a vehicle for drawing down holiness
The Zohar teaches that
"Gadol" refers to the sefira of chesed; a person is only as important as the amount of kindness that he does and the sefira of chochma, directly above chesed, releases its bounty only to a person who has refined this quality.