THEMES of Featured Ascent Lights
The higher one's spiritual level, the less the need for additional restrictions.
When a person benefits from something in the world for the sake of Heaven, that object is transformed from mundane to holy.
But there is a distinct risk that the actions of a person not on the proper spiritual level will lower him deeper into the malaise of the world. It is recommended for him to use oaths as a weapon to protect himself.
This week's second portion called "Masai", meaning
"journeys". The Lubavitcher Rebbe writes that every Jewish person must
know that he or she is constantly required to be on a journey. We must
continuously be moving upward spiritually from one level to the next, higher
Each person has his mission to accomplish on his life journey.
Parashat Masei begins with a listing of all of the 42 stops the Jewish people made on their way from Egypt to Israel. Our mystical tradition teaches that just as there were 42 journeys from Egypt to Israel, so each person makes 42 primary life journeys. Whiles on our journey we should constantly endeavor to fulfill our own unique mission in life.
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