THEMES of Featured Chasidic Masters Articles
The Kabbalah of following through on promises.
When a person thinks about performing a mitzvah, he has no fear of the accusation of the kelipot, for they have no attachment to thought. However, when he verbalizes his intention to do a mitzvah, there are spiritual Accusing Forces to hinder him, for the kelipot draw sustenance from the place of speech.
The Messianic age will elevate the entire universe, including all the spiritual realms.
The 42 specific encampments in the desert served to spiritually lift the forces of holiness out of the reach, so to speak, of the forces of evil, by elevating the spiritual hierarchy back up to its origins within the 42 components in the "womb" of bina, where evil has no hold.
We must prepare ourselves for lives of sanctity
"If a person will make a vow to G-d"
These words can also be interpreted to mean "to create a dwelling place". Every Jew has a soul which is descended from the source of all Holiness and is intrinsically G-dly and he must prepare a dwelling place for this G-dly soul in the upper worlds. |
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