
THEMES of Featured Ascent Lights

Vengeance Redirected
When we act with self-sacrifice, we bring the Redemption closer
G-d did not eradicate the Jewish people because Pinchas avenged His honor. The Shelah reminds us that when we see an act that desecrates the name of G-d or the Torah, we should be zealous to stop it.
Female Initiative
Pinchas did not wait for the leaders' direction when G-d's honor was threatened.
Parashat Pinchas is always read around the time of the 3 week summer mourning period. The Talmud says that Pinchas the priest and Elijah - the prophet and announcer of Mashiach - are one and the same.

It is as if G-d gives us the cure before the malady by telling us not to worry: if parashat Pinchas is being read, then Elijah is soon to arrive and announce Mashiach's arrival!
Lots Beyond Intellect
The rational and the supra-rational come together in the Land of Israel.
In this week's Torah portion, the Torah speaks about dividing the Land of Israel into tribal portions. One aspect was according to the census - dividing the Land in an equitable way according to the tribes' populations. The second was according to a lottery - essentially a divine decree verifying this division.
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