Ezekiel the prophet is from the seed of Adam, before his son Cain was born, an example of which we spoke about regarding Michah Hamorashti and Nachum Ha’elkoshi. This is why it was often said to Ezekiel, "son of Adam, stand on your feet", to allude to the fact that he is from the root of Cain son of Adam, as is hinted to in the verse, "Everything that stood was eradicated". (Gen. 7:23) For The Holy One Blessed be He blamed Cain in the days of the flood for his weakness (as we learned earlier).

ADM/Adam equals 45, which is also the name that fixes the breaking of the vessels, which happened in the world of Tohu – the root of Cain. Ezekiel was so called son of Adam for he fixed Cain the first son of Adam. He was told to stand on his feet - to fix netzach and hod.

It says of Korach, "And the standing up that is in their feet". (Deut. 11:6) This is a person’s money that stands him on his feet. Above we saw about Korach having to do with the bad part of Cain root. Korach possessed a great portion of the wealth of the world. (Pesachim 119a) There are powerful sparks in wealth. It is so special that it was used to build the Holy Temple and drew the Shechinah it there. (Likutei Moharan II 2)

Ezekiel revealed the workings of the Merkavah, which is the root above of the Holy Temple. So he elevated the Korach root and revealed G‑dliness.

Ezekiel was the level of the legs of Cain, as we will explain. The legs are that which allow a man to stand, and this is what it means, "Everything that stood was eradicated" - "all that stood" is the secret of legs, as is explained in the proper place. That which was ascribed to Cain because of his weakness and sin, was strengthened through Ezekiel. Therefore is he called ‘Yechezkel/Ezekiel’, which is a term of ‘chozek[strength]. Thus he was told, "stand on your feet," to strengthen and to stand on them.

This all relates to the secret of Nadab and Abihu, who are netzach and hod, which are the legs. Ezekiel drew from them and fixed the roots of the generation of the flood, whose mistake affected the feet.

As mentioned, the special quality of Ezekiel is that he revealed the ma’aseh Merkavah [workings of the Divine chariot].

We will now explain the matter of Rav Mesharshia, and through this explain the matter of Ezekiel and Hezekiah.

His name has the levels of Abba and Imma in it: The A/aleph of MShRShYA can be switched for H/hey - forming YH (which correspond to Abba and Imma) as is known. It is also known that from the name YH flows tosefet Shabbat [additional Sabbath time] and so we find that Rav Mesharshia is the secret of tosefet Shabbat in this root of Cain.

It is possible to add time to Shabbat at the beginning and the end. Elsewhere, the Ari.Zl. tells us that there are only three times when the upper third of tiferet of Zeir Anpin is revealed. (Eitz Chayim) One of them is during tosefet Shabbat. This shows how special a time it is. The reason behind it is simple. A time that left alone would have been mundane is transferred to being sacred. Measure for measure, from above, hidden levels are revealed.

The hidden treasures revealed are Abba and Imma - the source of the intrinsic light of Shabbat. (Shaar HaKedusha Shabbat) Therefore is it called holy. This is a special Cain quality - to turn the mundane to sacred and thereby draw from places above the world.

Four letters remain: MShRSh/mem-shin-raish-shin. The two shin’s hint to the two names MTsPTs-MTsPTs/mem-tzadi-peh-tzadi mem-tzadi-peh-tzadi, each of which has the gematria shin-300. They are the two names of tosefet Shabbat mentioned in the Zohar in the portion Yitro in Raya Mehemna [The Faithful Shepherd] on the verse, "Remember the Shabbat", (Ex. 20:8) regarding the seven Divine names mentioned there and tosefet Shabbat.

These names are called seven pearls and are to be had in mind when saying the seven blessings of the Sabbath eve service. It is the service that immediately follows tosefet Shabbat. They come from the seven lower sefirot.

Shabbat is like the world-to-come. On it, all the worlds ascend. The process of ascent starts on Friday. It intensifies late Friday afternoon close to Shabbat. One who accepts upon himself the holiness of Shabbat at this time turns the mundane into holy. This is a most positive switch.

All workings above are directly rooted in the Divine names. (Likutei Moharan 6, end) One of the forms of YHVH expressing is through ‘chiluf’ [switching]. It involves taking the letter on the opposite side of the alphabet and switching it. Y/yud becomes M/mem, H/hey becomes Tz/tzadik, V/vuv becomes P/peh, H/hey becomes Tz/tzadik. This name permutation process reflects the switching of the mundane into holiness.

This leaves the two letters MR/mem-raish, which are equal in gematria the other five Names written there which are: YHVH YHVH EL ELHYM ADNY, for a total of 234. All seven names total 241. Thus Rav Mesharshia is the level of tosefet Shabbat from the root of the sparks of Cain, which incorporates seven Names within their source - YH.

[Shmuel says: With the kollel.

Furthermore says Shmuel, in my humble opinion, it is a better calculation to use the five Names themselves with their kollel, which totals 240, since the two Names MTsPTs MTsPTs go with themselves.]

[Translation and commentary by Perets Auerbach.]