
THEMES of Featured Chasidic Masters Articles

Above and Below
On Shabbat, supernal pleasure is revealed
There are two perceptions of G-d, from which two experiences of transparency before G-d derive. The first level stems from a lower perception, wherein the individual feels himself to be a separate existence from G-d, yet recognizes his utter dependence upon Him. The higher perception gives birth to an experience wherein the individual does not feel any separateness and is inherently and essentially nullified.
Unity Gives Strength
When love abounds,miracles are easy to accomplish.
The Me'or V'Shemesh explains that that the mighty giant kings Sichon and Og fell before Israel, without even inflicting any casualties because Israel had attained a very high level of unity.

In response to Jewish unity, Balak tried to come against Israel with his own show of unity. He made a pact with none other than his archenemy Midian in order to battle Israel together. But in truth, all of Balak's efforts were in vain. When there is Jewish unity, there is no force which can do us harm!
Inner Worlds
The development of one's inner soul is the purpose of life.
"How good are your tents, Jacob, and your Tabernacles, Israel".

The name "Jacob" represents a a simpler, still unrefined and external type of divine service, associated with tents, while the name "Israel" represents a higher, more fully realized aspect; the inner aspect of the Jew.
Seeing With a Blinded Eye
A person has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. These correspond to five spiritual senses.
G•d chose to rest His Presence on Balaam, a wicked gentile, so that the gentile nations will not have any allegation against G•d saying, "Had you given us prophets, we too would have improved our ways."
A mysterious event in this week’s Torah portion reveals a phenomenon new to modern psychology
Jewish mysticism teaches that the body too was created by G-d and contains enormous unique Divine energy of its own, in some ways superior even to the energy of the soul!

G-d saw that Balaam was intent on going to Balak to help him implement his malevolent plan. Since He, as it were, could not influence Balaam properly through his soul, the body was called into play. So it was the "chamor" – the body – that saw the "angel" and cried out, prodding Balaam to open his eyes.
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